Elegance and Refinement of Movement
The first definition of the word grace is elegance or refinement of movement. So often we go through life stumbling out of sync with the beat of the music. Our paths become crooked. Our efforts to keep and uphold our covenants are clumsy. But God offers us His grace. He can take our faltering steps and He can make them elegant and refined and graceful. He can help us to flow from one good deed to the next. He can make our paths straight. He can save us from our falls. We may often be tempted to forgo the gospel path because we know that we will be clumsy and ungraceful and God will despise us because of our frequent and egregious mistakes. But God did not intend for us to always be stumbling. The more we open ourselves up to Him, the more grace He will give us and the more we will be in sync with the music of the gospel and the more we will move through this life with beauty and elegance and refinement and grace.