When God Closes A Door, He Opens A Window
When God closes a door, He opens a window. I used to think of this in the sense that if the door is closed, you could always try climbing out through the window. But I have a different interpretation. Sometimes God closes the door on a certain path or challenge or blessing because we are not yet prepared to receive it. We need to exercise patience and faith that the opportunity will be presented to us when we are properly prepared. And to that end, God opens a window. Windows can let in light and knowledge and truth. While we may be confined to our present circumstances we can look ahead to the vistas that await us once we have become fully prepared. We can look through the window that God has opened and familiarize ourselves with the lay of the land and try to plan out how we may deal with certain obstacles or challenges that we can see. When God closes the door in front of us, we can stubbornly beat and beat and beat on that door and curse God that He won’t let us have what we want when we want it, or we can plead with the Lord that He may open up the windows of Heaven and pour out upon us light and truth and knowledge so that we can find peace in our current circumstances and we can identify the areas of our life that require further preparations before the door will be open to let us out to the next great adventure.