The Purpose of Miracles
On the day of the Pentecost, after Christ was resurrected, there were many signs and miracles that day, including one where many men and women from different parts of the world all heard the words of the apostles in their own language. This wasn’t just God showing off. God was very soon going to send His apostles all over the known world to proclaim the gospel. The fact that all of these people were in Jerusalem on that day was no accident. The Lord gave them that miracle so they could return to their own countries and prepare them for when missionaries would come. He also gave the apostles that miracle so that they could prepare their hearts for the day when they would proclaim the gospel to the “unclean” gentiles, although Peter would need further visions and direction before he and the church were ready to make that change. If we witness a miracle, it’s because God had a purpose behind that miracle and He is preparing us for even greater examples of His love and mercy down the road.