I Shall Come To Make Up My Jewels

“I the Lord, have suffered the affliction to come upon them, wherewith they have been afflicted, in consequence of their transgressions; Yet I will own them, and they shall be mine in the day when I shall come to make up my jewels” (D&C 101:2-3). When the Savior talks about the atonement, He talks about covering our sins, making us white and pure and light. It can be hard facing the consequences of our transgressions and harder still to have the humility and the patience to repent of our transgressions. But just as the oyster wraps the irritating grain of sand in layer after layer of smooth, white brilliance, so too can the Savior envelop us in layer after layer of His light and His love and His goodness. We may pass through afflictions and tribulations, but We are the Savior’s and He will make us up as His jewels, as His pearls of great price. And if it seems like we make more mistakes than everyone else, pass through more than our fair share of afflictions, yet if we hold fast to the truth and if we are willing to brave the depths of humility and plead with the Lord to cover us with His atoning power every time we stumble, then at the end of the road we will have more pearls then those who seemed to have an easier time of things.


The Purpose of Miracles

