
When Jesus first met Peter he'd been fishing all night and hadn't caught anything, and then Jesus told him to try one more time and they caught so many fish their boat started to sink. Christ then told him that He would make him a Fisher of men. But after Christ died and was resurrected, Peter went back to being a fisher of fish. Again he spent all night and caught nothing and again the Savior told him to try one more time and again they caught so much fish their boat almost couldn't hold it all. Again the Savior told Peter that He had called him to be a fisher of men. Peter was the only fully mortal person we know of to have walked on water. In later years it was said that those who needed a miracle would try to just get his shadow to pass over them and they would be healed. Peter was nicknamed the rock because he was called to continue the foundation that Christ had laid. But even Peter had to be called more than once. When we find that we have to ask ourselves over and over if we love the Lord more than our job or our hobbies or our friendships, we are in good company. The Lord has a calling for us, and he will never get tired of calling us to the task that will be of the most worth to ourselves, to our brothers and sisters, and to the Lord.


I Shall Come To Make Up My Jewels


Be Not Weary In Well Doing