Be Not Weary In Well Doing

Be not weary in well doing. Living righteously - reading the scriptures and praying daily, attending sacrament weekly, looking for opportunities to love and serve one another - not always will these and other aspects of living the gospel seem deeply meaningful or effective in our lives. Sometimes we will feel that we are not getting the same kind of rewards for the effort we put in. We always want to be deeply moved and highly motivated and often we are, but sometimes it seems as if we are going through the motions and it doesn’t matter to us or to anyone else if we do the righteous thing or not. But whether living righteously and doing well gives us a single drop or a whole bucket of oil for our lamps, we will be grateful when the time comes and the darkness has fallen and we have drop by drop built up a reserve of spiritual strength and light. Our efforts may seem small and meaningless in the moment and in the grand scheme of things if we miss a day or a week it is not the end of the world, but if we do what is right even when it is difficult or boring or does not seem worth the effort, we will reap the rewards for our faithfulness and will recognize that in the end it will all have been worth it.




Give No Heed To Temptation