Keep on Knocking
I was thinking about the Savior's invitation and promise to "Ask and ye shall receive, seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you." This could be thought of as separate incidents - sometimes you ask, sometimes you seek, sometimes you knock. But you could also look at it as progressive. If you want something, try asking for it. If that doesn't work, try seeking. If you can't find it that way, try knocking. Christ tells the story of the importunate widow who kept pleading and pleading her case to an unsympathetic judge who didn't care at all about her plight but finally caved in and helped her just so she would leave Him alone. Christ then makes the point that if even the unjust judge eventually gave the widow what she wanted, then how much more likely is our loving Heavenly Father to eventually accede to our request? Sometimes we've got to get out and fight for what we want and if we have asked and sought and knocked five hundred different ways to no avail, then let's go try five hundred more. When Thomas Edison was working on improving the lightbulb, he discovered a thousand ways to not make a lightbulb before he found one effective way. If it seems like our pathway to a better tomorrow is blocked, we can ask for a way to open up. If that doesn't work, then we can try to find a way around or over or under. And if we can't find a way then we can knock our way through the obstacle until our pathway opens up once more.