Many cultures and religions believe in the concept of reincarnation. The belief that after this life, you will be born again, and the quality of your new life will be a reflection of how you lived previously. In Christianity, we also believe in being born again, but we don't have to wait until we die. Nor do we have only the one opportunity to be born again. Every time we renew our baptismal covenants we are born again, and just like in the concept of reincarnation, the new life we are born into is a reflection of how we lived our previous life. If we are striving to improve, then we will be reborn into a better version of ourselves. As it says in the scriptures, to him who hath, more shall be given, and to him who hath not, it shall be taken from him even all that he hath. Just like in reincarnation, if we spend our days wickedly in selfish pursuits filled with hate and fear, then day by day and week by week we will be reborn into a lower and lower form of life until all of our gifts and talents and dreams will be taken from us. But if we spend our days righteously and waste and wear out our lives in the service of others and love our brothers and sisters and our Father in Heaven with our whole might, mind, strength and souls, and seek constantly to magnify our callings and share and add to our talents and chase after our dreams, then day by day and week by week we will be born again and again and again into a more complete and good and holy and perfect version of ourselves. If we are unsatisfied with the current version of ourselves, and all of us to a greater or lesser extent should be since none of us are perfect yet, then we can work as hard as we can at improving ourselves and we will have the opportunity to be born again into a better version of ourselves. And then to be born again into an even better version of ourselves. And love and light will be added to us more and more each time we are reborn, and that love and light will grow brighter and brighter until the day when we are perfect.