"As you walk to the boundary of your understanding into the twilight of uncertainty, exercising faith, you will be led to find solutions you would not obtain otherwise" (Richard G. Scott). During twilight, the sun is below the horizon but there is still enough light being absorbed by the atmosphere to see, it's just that the light is so scattered and undirected that nothing has a distinct shadow, and objects in the distance will appear only as silhouettes. The Lord does not ask us to plunge into the deep blackness of ignorance, but rather to venture only into the uncertainty of twilight. His presence is still enough to illuminate our path to a degree, but everything is blurred and indistinct, and requires us to seek answers by faith and through trial and error. Twilight is more difficult to navigate through than midday, but if we have faith and patience and courage, we can still make important discoveries in the dimmer light of twilight.