Completely Finished

The word "perfect" at its essence means completed, or finished. So, when the rich young man was asking, "What lack I yet?", he was asking the right question. If we want to be perfect, or in other words if we want to be finished or completed, then we have to ask ourselves and the Lord, what lack I yet? If we can find the most unfinished part of ourselves, the part that is easiest to fix and will have the biggest impact on our lives when fixed, and then if we plead for the Lord's help and exert all of our energy to make that part of ourselves complete or finished, then we can move one step closer to being completely finished, or to being perfect. And just like the rich young man, sometimes the thing we lack is going to be really hard for us to fix, but if we have the courage to seek to be perfect despite what the Lord asks us to sacrifice, then we will be the happier for it in the long run, since we will be progressing towards perfection.




Be Kind To Our Future Selves