Eight Cups A Day
In order to stay properly hydrated, we need to be drinking eight cups a day. Or, at least, that is the prevailing wisdom. It is certain that different individuals have different needs, but I think that the reason that people are familiar with the eight cups a day rule is because too often we forget or avoid drinking as much water as we should. And if it's true that our bodies are not always getting as much water as they should, then it is even more true that our spirits are not getting as much of the Living Water that they need. If we are feeling downcast, confused, doubtful or discouraged, it may very well be that our spirits are dying of thirst because we are not getting our eight cups a day of Living Water. And if we are in the midst of a brutal battle with certain temptations or sins, we may come to the conclusion that we don't have the time or the energy or the capacity to indulge in Spiritual matters. But that's like playing a ninety minute basketball game and then feeling like we don't have the time or the energy to drink any water. We need our Savior's grace and guidance more than ever when we are in the midst of trials and afflictions, and if we make an effort to drink our eight cups of living water, then we will find that those living waters bring peace and energy and faith and joy and hope and a determination to endure to the end. If we think of all of the little moments throughout the day when we take time to say a little prayer, or help someone in need, or pause to think about Jesus and especially about how He would handle our situation, all of these could be like taking little sips of water. The Savior promises that if we drink of the waters that He provides, then we will never thirst again, but we must keep drinking them day in and day out, from hour to hour and moment to moment. As diligent as we may be in making sure our bodies stay hydrated by drinking enough water, and as important as that is, it is even more important that we make sure we are drinking enough living water to keep our spirits hydrated.