Buy For Yourselves

In the Parable of the Ten Virgins, the five foolish virgins asked to borrow oil from the five wise virgins. "And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out. But the wise answered, saying, Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves." (Matthew 25:8-9). To buy something means you are fully committed. The foolish virgins hadn't become fully committed. They liked the lamps and wanted to be a part of the wedding feast, but they didn't want to go all in. They wanted to be a part of the fun parts, but were hoping that they could just beg or borrow and not have to pay the price that was required. Whenever we try to get out of making the necessary sacrifices that come with living the gospel, we are like the foolish virgins who don't want to buy for themselves. Essentially, we're just browsing, window shopping, taking part in the free trial period. But if we really want the full power of the Atonement to bless and change our lives for the better, then we have to go all in, we have to buy for ourselves, we have to make the sacrifices that are required. There is no other way. We can't get to heaven on the free trial version of discipleship. It is going to take everything that we have, but if we are willing to pay that price, then in return our Heavenly Father has promised to give us everything that He has. It is nothing like a fair trade since we have so little and He has so much, but He does require us to pay the price and buy for ourselves the full version of the Gospel.


Eight Cups A Day


A Charitable Foundation