Choir Of Angels

The word angel literally means messenger in the original Hebrew. Whenever we are delivering a message from God, we are acting in the role of angels. This means that whenever we bear our testimonies, serve as an example unto the believers, or let our light shine, we are acting as angels. Often when we talk about groups of angels, we refer to them as choirs of angels. This ties in with their role as messengers. If we imagine that as we share our testimonies we are part of a heavenly host of angelic messengers spreading the good news of the gospel, then thinking of our role as part of a choir of angels can help us to have a better context for any perceived differences in our own abilities and talents. First of all, it is important to acknowledge that we are all different, and some of us may "sing" better in the choir of angels than others. In fact, some of us may hear the beautiful music and conclude that our voice will add nothing and will most likely make things worse. But that's the beautiful thing about choirs. There are so many voices that if we are a little offkey, nobody is going to notice. And more than that, the longer we sing, the more in tune we will become. Another important thing about choirs is that different people are assigned different parts. If we sing alto, we may be jealous of those who sing soprano or vice versa. But even if our part doesn't seem to be contributing much, the harmony will be broken if we don't sing it. Spreading the Gospel requires a whole choir of angels, each with their own parts and abilities, but each absolutely vital. If we feel that our testimony is weak, or our efforts to share and serve are too daunting, we need to remember that we are not alone. We don't have to fix the whole world all by ourselves. We are all part of a magnificent choir of angels, and we will be able to carry our message much more effectively when all of us join in with that choir.


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