Power Of God Which Is In Us

"Therefore let us stretch forth our hands, and exercise the power of God which is in us," (Alma 14:10). I have always thought of the power of God as outside of us. Like we need the Lord's help, and then power comes down from God to help us. This may often be how the Lord works, but there is also the power of God inside us. We are children of God and we are filled with divine potential power. We may not always be worthy or know how to activate it, but God's power is inside all of us. It's weird but true that a stick of butter has more potential energy than a stick of dynamite, but it's not as easy for a stick of butter to show forth its power. But the power is still in the butter. When we plead for the Lord's help, sometimes He shows forth His power in a manner external to us, but sometimes He helps us activate the divine power that already resides within us. The more and more we become like our Heavenly Father, the more we become like the Divine Beings we were meant to be and the more of God's power stored away inside of us we will unlock and wield to better our own lives and the world around us.


See That It Is Good


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