Adapted To The Capacity Of The Weak
"Given for a principle with promise, adapted to the capacity of the weak and the weakest of all saints, who are or can be called saints." (D&C 89:3). At the beginning of the Word of Wisdom the Lord says that this has been adapted to the capacity of the weak and the weakest of all saints. Not every commandment we are given is exactly for us. We might not need to be commandment to judge not, or covet not. Murdering or robbing may be the furthest thing from our mind. But we are not working out our salvation alone. We are all in this together and we need to help and learn from and love each other and accept that some people might struggle more with certain Commandments than we do, just like we might have a tough time with something that comes easy to them. Plus, we do not have the same level of commitment and energy and conviction at every point in our life. We may have cheerfully kept our tithing for many years without the slightest doubt but then suddenly our financial world gets knocked upside down and we have to make a hard choice between tithing and something basic like food or rent. But if we have had that consistent pattern of obedience when we were strong, then we will have that foundation of testimony for when we are weak. So, even if we don't see the point to some of the commandments, they are there for us when we are at our weakest, and at the very least we can have compassion on those who struggle with commandments that we find almost too easy to have to follow and we may just grow a little kinder and little more understanding by being obedient when it's easy, so that we might also know how to help those who are struggling.