"Behold, I come quickly" the Savior has said on many occasions. I don't think what this means is necessarily that the Second Coming is right around the corner. I think what it means is that when we are in desperate straits, the Savior comes to our rescue quickly, in the nick of time, so to speak. When Abraham was plunging the knife into his only child, the Lord came quickly to stop him. When pharaoh's armies were about to chase the hebrews into the sea, the Lord came quickly and provided a way for them to escape. When the believing Nephites were about to be executed for their faith, the Lord came quickly. We may, like the Apostles of old, spend all the night fighting the winds and the waves furiously for our survival only to cry out in pain and fear just as it seems like we are to be swallowed up and drowned, "Master, carest thou not that we perish!" But if we hold out faithful to the bitter end, just as the jaws of death and hell are about to snap shut around us, the Lord will come quickly to save us, to say "Peace, be still" and to banish the enemies that so nearly destroyed us. We must trust that God is aware of our plight and that He can see the end from the beginning, and there is no power in Heaven or on Earth that can prevent the Lord from coming quickly to our aid and arriving in the nick of time to avert total disaster. The trial of our faith may stretch on longer than we would like or have hoped, longer than we thought we could endure, but the Lord will be there just before we buckle under the pressure, to strengthen our feeble knees, to lift up our hands that hang down, to wipe away our tears. He will go before our face, He will be on our right and on our left and send His angels to bear us up.