When Moses descended from Mount Sinai after receiving the Ten Commandments, he was so filled with the Light of God that he had to cover up his face because he was literally shining too brightly for the children of Israel to handle. We have all been given the light of Christ that can and ought to shine out for the world to see. But like Moses, sometimes we try to cover up that light. I don’t really know the reasons that Moses had for covering his face, but I do know that for us, we often find reasons to hide our light under a bushel because we are afraid of appearing different or abnormal, or we feel like we don’t have the energy to deal with questions or debates, or we judge for ourselves how others might react to having our light shine upon them. The verb we use most often when sharing our light and testimony is bear. We bear our testimony, or we carry or bring or give our testimony to those who would receive it. But we could just as easily use a homophone of the word bear - bare. We can bare our testimony, or in other words, strip ourselves of our pride and our fear and our doubt and uncover the light of our testimony that burns brightly within us. I know that each of us are capable of shining just as brightly as Moses did when he came down from that mountain, and we should all humbly and boldly let our light shine and bare our testimony for the world to see.