Becoming One With The Infinite
How can we become one with the Lord without losing what makes us unique? When the Lord invites us to become one with Him, this is not an invitation for us to be mindless puppets. God doesn’t want us to be like Him to satisfy His ego seeing us all try to imitate Him. God wants us to be like Him because He has figured out the best way through life and He wants us to follow Him because He loves us and He wants us to experience the same joy that He experiences. But just because He desires that we be one with Him, it does not mean that we need to strip ourselves of that which makes us unique or different from one another. God is infinite. When He speaks, the very foundations of the earth quake and tremble. Or, when He speaks, it is in a still small voice. His light can be as piercing and brilliant as a lightning bolt, or as warm and soft as a candle. He can be stern and tender, strong and humble. He can fill the immensity of space, or enter into our heart. We don’t have to worry about losing what makes us special when we offer up our will and our lives to the Lord. God wants us to give Him our best, and that best is going to be different from one person to the next. The shy and the confident, the swift and the slow, the talkative and the silent ones, the intelligent and the wise - all can be one with God because God is infinite.