Today is my fifteen hundredth daily thought! I am so grateful that the Spirit of the Lord has never abandoned me for even one day in the last four plus years. 1,500 in Roman numerals is MD, which I think is very appropriate, because I have experienced a lot of healing as I have attempted each day to study and to learn and to share a little more of the mysteries of God. There is virtue and power and life in the Words of the Lord as found in holy scriptures or as shared by His living servants. I know that I have only scratched the surface of all of the wisdom and plain and precious and hidden truths that are available to us if we will only study and ponder and pray a little more earnestly and with a greater degree of faith and spiritual worthiness. I look forward to continuing to explore the knowledge given of the Lord to man over the next 1500 days and finding even more healing and strength and hope from the truths that the Spirit will reveal to me and I hope that I will be able to refine and expand my ability to articulate and express these truths in a way that others can also experience the healing that comes from these precious truths.


Lights And Perfections


Crumbs From The Master's Table