Letting Our Light Shine - For Others And For Ourselves

The Savior said “Let your light so shine, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” The thing about being a good example of believers or letting our light shine is that it doesn’t just help other people. When we hide our light under a bushel, not only are we depriving the rest of the world of our light, but we’re depriving ourselves of that light. We blind ourselves as well as others. But when we let our light shine forth, we’re lighting up the way not just for those around us but for ourselves too. It seems paradoxical but being selfless is actually the most selfish thing we can do. The more we help others, the more they will look to us for light and guidance through a cold, dark world. And the Lord will fill us with more and more light so that we can help more and more of His children. And the brighter and brighter our light grows, the more we will be able to see what the best path forward is, not just for others but for our own lives. It may seem like we are giving up more of our time and energy and resources than we can spare, but God will be filling us up with light and knowledge and love faster than we can share it. If we don’t let our shine we’re condemning everyone, including ourselves, to darkness. If we let our light shine, we light the way for everyone, including ourselves.


Give No Heed To Temptation


Plan of Knowledge