Eye Single

There is a principle in the scriptures that goes something like to those who receive, more shall be given, and to those who will not receive, it will be taken from them even that which they have. I was thinking about this in the context of machine learning algorithms on the internet. As we go through sites and social media posts, the internet learns what we focus on and tries to give us more of the same. If we're interested in sailboats, it will present us with more and more sailboat related content. At a certain point, it may seem like the only thing anyone on the internet ever talks about is sailboats. We are still in the middle of understanding how these algorithms are going to affect us individually and as a society, but it is a useful illustration of the principle of to them that receive, more shall be given. The more that we come unto the Savior, the more we seek out the guidance of the Spirit, the more clearly we will be able to see the hand of the Lord in our lives and the more sensitive we will be to the still small voice of the Spirit. We will start to see the Lord's influence everywhere we go and in everything we do. Just like algorithms on the internet can narrow down the vast ocean of content into a narrow stream of our interests, so too can the Spirit help us keep our eye single to the glory of God.


Peace Makers


God Does Not Triage