Every Testimony Matters
Four different men wrote down their testimonies of the life of Jesus Christ that were so powerful that we preserved them for over two thousand years. Three of these (Matthew, Mark, and Luke) wrote what are sometimes referred to as the Synoptic Gospels, because they share so much in common in the details and even the presentation of the material. But each of the four gospels is important and if I were forced to pick only one gospel to keep it would be an impossible choice. We may sometimes feel that we have nothing to contribute because other people have already done it and more than likely did it better than we could. But we all have something unique to offer. Even tiny differences in viewpoint or experience or insight contribute to a testimony that is special and unique and indispensable. God needs all of us to bear our testimonies, even if the testimony we share is mostly about the same material as someone else’s, it’s still important.